When Jesus was about to go the cross the bible describes Jesus preparing his disciples for his departure. In a sense Jesus left a will. What did He will to them; what did He leave to them? Did He leave them silver? Did He leave them gold? He had none of that. He couldn’t leave them riches. But there is one thing.......
We see Jesus' disciples here after Jesus had just performed a miracle. Jesus had just took two fish and five loaves and fed five thousand people. Jesus let the disciples go on, and He let the crowd go too. He let them get on back and in this passage He goes up on this mountain and He is praying. The bible says that he looked out into the sea. The disciples had gone on and they were rowing. They were trying but the winds and the waves were beating against the boat and they are just rowing – rowing – rowing. In the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them. We can see Jesus going to those disciples here. But at first they looked out there and they see this thing on the water. They didn’t recognize him. They thought it was a ghost; they thought it was a spirit and they began to cry out. They were afraid but Jesus told them be of good cheer. He said “It is I, be not afraid”. Now, Peter was one of those well outspoken guys. Peter says “Lord, if it be you bid me to come to you on the water. Bid me to come”. We see one miracle - we see Jesus has already performed one miracle and fed five thousand. We see another miracle: He is walking on the water, and then he tells Peter, “Come”. I used to have a little old Datsun - ya’ll remember the car called Datsun - and I had some car trouble out of this thing. I was in my kitchen and I said Lord I need another car and the Lord spoke in my spirit and He said pray about it. I went right in and got right down beside the bed and I remember praying for a car. About an hour later one of my brothers came by and he asked how I was doing........ To make a long story short, after I prayed about this car, God is my witness, about 5 or 6 hours later, I had a car! About 5 or 6 hours after I got up off my knees, I had a car. We all have friends - some folks we call friends, some we call associates. But everybody needs a friend. We have some friends that are good friends; someone that if you call them they will get up out of bed and come and see about you. If you’re fortunate, you have some friends like that. Because now, it's 2:00 in the morning, and you're in trouble. You're out of time and out of ideas.... Who is a friend that you can call? Who can you count on? Who can you turn to? Paul and Silas had been stripped of their clothing, beaten and thrown into prison. The scripture says they were thrust into the inner prison and their feet were fastened into stocks - in other words they had shackles on them. Then a curious thing happens: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. (Acts 16:25) Why would these men be singing and praying in prison? Because things happen when God's people pray...... We have all asked God for something. If you go and do a survey, you’ll find out that everyone has asked God for something. Maybe this morning, maybe yesterday, maybe you are sitting there now asking God for something. But the thing about it is - what are you willing to give God? We have all asked Him for something but what are we willing to GIVE Him? And…… What does God want? As Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee He sees Simon Peter and Andrew his brother casting their nets into the sea. They were fishers - in other words that was their profession. They were professional fishers. But Jesus had another job for them. Jesus is calling these men and He tells them: “Follow me, I will make you fishers of men”. |
Johnny L. TuckerEmployed by the University of Alabama for 35 years, Johnny shared the gospel in the early morning hours with his co-workers in the Landscaping & Grounds Department. He shares some of those timeless messages here to the glory of God. Archives
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