I don’t think there is a man or woman that’s been traveling that has not made a wrong turn while traveling. If you’re not exactly sure where you are going a lot of times you will make the wrong turn. In this day and time we have GPS and these things that talk to us and tell us which way to go, and some of us like myself still use paper maps. Even with these things, we can get on the wrong road. The wrong road never leads to the right road. Once we discover that we are on the wrong road we have to stop and turn around.
Destiny and Destination. Destination means a place to which one is journeying or to which something is sent. In this day and time we have GPS, we have this thing called MapQuest, we even have these things in our cell phone, a little lady called SIRI, she can help us find our destination and where we need to go. The word destination is linked to the word destiny or future. When someone is born to royalty his identity and destiny are fixed, simply by being born. If a child is born to a King, his destiny is fixed - everything is fixed for him. Why? Because he’s born into a royal family. For Christians, when we are born again we are born by the Spirit of God and we become children of God. Not only that, we become heirs. That’s royalty. As royalty, we have a destiny as well, and in John 14, Jesus tells us our destiny and our destination. When we talk about worship, worship is defined as an act of reverence. As we will see here in this passage from John chapter 4, Jesus helps us to understand worship. Here Jesus is talking with this woman at the well and she begins to question Jesus: Our fathers worshipped in this mountain but you say we should worship in Jerusalem…. Why should we worship there? She had questions, and maybe we do too: How do we worship? Who do we worship? What does it mean to worship? Let’s look at this word agape – actually, the word agape is not in the bible. Agape is a Greek word that was used by the early Christians. It means God’s love or the love of God. So even though agape is not in the bible, it is an important word to know as we seek to know more about God. In this passage Paul tells me that I can have all these elegant words but if I don’t have love it’s just like tinkling cymbals or sounding brass - I’m just keeping up noise. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and after they realized they had disobeyed God their eyes became open. They realized they were naked and they went and hid themselves. Here God is calling to Adam. He asked 4 questions in this whole conversation. He first asked Adam “Where art thou?” But Adam and Eve had hid themselves. “I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Now Adam was more concerned about being naked than he was about the thing that God had commanded him not to do. God asked Adam why he was afraid, and then question number 3 “Did you eat of the tree?” God is not really looking for information - but He had some serious questions for Adam. Now we’re going to see the blame game.
What is sin? If someone asks you what sin is, what would you say? Webster’s Dictionary says it means the willful breaking of religious or moral law.
Sin is being disobedient to God’s law or disobedient to God’s instruction. When we talk about the first sin we know who was here first. There was Adam first, and then there was Eve. What can we learn from the first sin? Was paradise lost because of a piece of fruit?
Webster says “Hell is the place to which the sinners and unbelievers go to eternal punishment after death”. The Bible Encyclopedia says it is “the place of eternal torment.”
In the book of Revelation (Chapter 20) it talks about the lake of fire. It is an everlasting fire, an everlasting punishment. We have heard people say the word, and we all have used the word hell. We have heard people say “Go to hell” or “It is hot as hell out here”. There are even those that say “I’m catching hell”. But……. is hell real? When we look around we see horizontally. From where we are, we see things from one direction, from one perspective. Above, God in His perspective - He sees everything. He sees the beginning and the end; He sees the end from the beginning. He saw you from the time you were conceived in your mother’s womb until the end of your life, and the same for my life. The only thing we can see is right now and what’s around us right now. It’s just like standing on the sidelines. Since this is football country, think of how you might stand on the sideline with the team and you are watching the game. From there you can only see so much. How will it all play out? |
Johnny L. TuckerEmployed by the University of Alabama for 35 years, Johnny shared the gospel in the early morning hours with his co-workers in the Landscaping & Grounds Department. He shares some of those timeless messages here to the glory of God. Archives
January 2020
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